Monday, May 30, 2005

Holiday? What In The World Is That?

No, seriously.

My record is getting worse. We all remember the absent-mindedness that was my Valentine's Day (*hint: click the link if you don't remember*), and here we go again. Today is Memorial Day. The day known across the nation as a time to honor veterans of crazy wars, and barbecue the mess out of some hamburgers and chicken. Sadly though, in all of the rippin' and runnin' (as my Mama would say!) that is my life at Carleton, my memory did not remember Memorial Day, until my sister started talking about all the barbecue she was going to eat and my Dad about all the barbecue he was going to cook. Only then did it start to jel in my mind -- the end of May, everybody off of work, everybody talking about barbecue, Monday. . . *click!* And then it came to me. It's ridiculous. When I'm here, the goings-on of the rest of the world kinda get put off, while the papers and meetings and tests and all the rest of the junk I have to do everyday takes over my mind. (Scary!) There's no such thing as a holiday (this is even true for real Holy Days. Scarier!) on the Carleton campus. It's sad.

But luckily I don't have to deal with that mess anymore, because I'm getting up out of here in 12 more days!! Yeah!

Happy Memorial Day, anyway, everybody. Even if you forgot all about it like me.


A Verse For You Today:

It is a faithful saying:

If we die with Him, we will also live with Him. If we suffer and endure, we will also reign with him. If we disown Him, he will disown us. If we are faithless, He will remain faithful; He cannot deny Himself. . . Study to show yourself to God as one approved, as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, who correctly handles the word of truth. ~ II Timothy 2: 11-13, 15


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