Thursday, April 14, 2005

"In ATL I Caught A Case. . .

. . .and the media tried to say, I had a habit, I couldn't manage, and I'm throwing my life away. . ."

That lyric is from "Again," by Faith Evans from her new album, The First Lady . Tell me why I love this song to death! Okay, the song is just pure goodness. It's full of wisdom, and I can't stop, won't stop playing it. It's not just cuz she's bold (lol.) enough to admit, in the song, for all to hear, that she got caught up on some nonsense for a minute, and it's not just cuz she actually goes the extra mile to say she's together now, and the media tried to demonize her on purpose. And not because of Faith's beautiful, rainy-whispery voice. It's not just because she's got this completely addictive Motown-esque drumbeat and these angelic "oohoooohoooooohs," and this twanging guitar strum going through the whole thing, forcing me to keep bobbing my head, shoulders, and hips to the inescapable groove of it all. (Yeah, I know you wanna hear it now, but I can't post it! Can't do it! You gotta go to the Amazon link and hear the sample, man. That's all I can do for ya.)

I love this song for all of the above reasons, but I love it to death because Faith makes sure to say, "I wouldn't take away the rain, cuz I know it made me who I am." She says, "If I had to do it all again, I've learned so much from my mistakes. That's how I know He's watching me."

Yes! That is it. That is the perspective I think we need to have. It rains, and we get sad and grey. But if we take that rain and use it for its true purpose, then it nourishes us. And we grow. Can't do it without rain. It just won't work, you know?


Some More of This Song for You:

Nobody knows what life may bring.
It might make you happy,
it might make you sad sometimes.
But I know there’s a reason for everything.
That’s why I keep believing;
Whatever is meant to be it's going to be.


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