Monday, March 21, 2005

Yes, Dears, It Really Is ALL Joy.

I shall open with the following:


That's right. I am no longer frowny-face; I am smiley-face. Nothing new has happened, nothing has changed. It's just that I never stay down in the dumps for long, thank the Lord. This spell lasted about a day and a half, for those who are curious. I think it's some kind of cleansing thing. Usually I take my life as it comes -- very good, bad, or bland as the case may be. So I was a bit confused at myself the other day, when I didn't even want to see things in a good way; I'm not used to feeling like that. But the feeling came and went, and I believe it has been a good lesson for me. Whom the Lord loves as His child, He disciplines, as the Mysterious Stranger wrote to the Hebrews long, long ago.

Moving on! And I mean that literally and figuratively, as my father and brother are in fact moving to a new house this Saturday. (See how I did that there? With the play on words? Yeah!) So, they're moving right before I leave for school. I'm just in time to help with all the packing and cleaning and lifting and organizing and such. Yay!! If you know me, you know how I feel about moving. It's not really yay. But I am kinda excited to see the new house and get it set up, get the furniture together and all. So maybe it's a mini-yay.

For this and other very obvious reasons, I am mad that school begins the day after Easter. This is not conducive to properly celebrating with my family in our new house, and I am seriously considering arriving at Carleton on Monday. In the afternoon. Missing my class. Seriously. We shall see what happens. Although, I guess I'd better decide quickly. Gotta get a ticket today, lol.

Okay. I decided. Monday it is. Yup. Which slightly changes my countdown. I do not, as you may have thought, have 7 days before I am thrown back into that swirling void of unreasonably hectic academia and a few lovely people better known to some but not many as Carleton College.

I have 8.


A Verse for All Today:

My brothers and sisters, count it all joy whenever you face trials of any kind, because you know that tests bring perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing. ~ James 1: 2-5


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