Thursday, April 14, 2005

Random Things You Should Know

First off, I bet this blows your mind: I recently found out that NO ONE, and I do mean NO ONE in the whole United States of America is really a conservative. Nope. No one. Not even you. You might think you're a conservative, but you're dead wrong. As it turns out, actually in actuality all of y'all who think you're conservatives are really just extremely guarded liberals.

Blew your mind this time, didn't I? That's right. Perhaps later on I'll elaborate on exactly why you think you're a conservative, and why you're wrong. Stay tuned.

***Abrupt Transistion Alert!!!!***

I really miss my sister. Haven't seen her in two years. That's too long a time. She's graduating from college next month though, and I'm definitely gonna be there when that happens. So be happy for me, Perseverant Ones, dears, suckas, and all the others out there who continue to read this mish-mash even though it is so extra mish-mashy. Be really happy for me, please, because in about 5 weeks, no in exactly 5 weeks, I'll get to see my sister again. Whoooo!! I can hardly wait. Not gonna institute a countdown for this though, because the last time I did that it didn't work out too well. LOL.

***Abrupt Transition Alert Numer Two!!!!***

I don't have anything that can be called a "spring wardrobe." This is truly a dilemma for me. See, in years before, when springtime finally rolled around after month upon month of gray sky, cold wind, and brown grass, I was too wrapped up in graduating from college to care about wardrobe. 'Tis true. But now I'm a senior. Graduation is no longer a dim possibility on the horizon. It is imminent, and it is guaranteed -- I'm getting ready to bust up out of here.

So for the most part, this term I'm like, "Forget classes! Shucks." This very senior-ific attitude leaves me with a lot of time on my hands. Some say it should be devoted to catching up on world events, or good books, or communing with nature. Me, I don't agree. I'm all wrapped up in wardrobe. But the sad part is, I'm not "wrapped up" as in "clothed in." I'm wrapped up as in I can't quit thinking about running up to the Cities and going to Savers, blowing all my money on some flowy skirts and strappy sandals. And you know that's not a healthy mindset. Especially when my extra-broke self needs to save up as much money as is humanly possible in 3 weeks in order to afford a plane ticket to North Carolina for my sister's graduation. (Remember? From, like, two paragraphs above? Yeah. That one.)

Anyway, though. I gotta go to class now.

Yes, it's as draining as that sentence would lead you to believe. But it'll give me 3 hours to ruminate some more on this near-desperate-but-not-really-desperate-yet situation. Do I need to change my mentality, or do I need to change my clothes? We'll see.


According to this Verse For You (and me) Today, I'm worried about entirely the wrong clothes. Perspective is a good thing, is it not?

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against evil. Stand, therefore, having your loins girt with truth, and having the breastplate of righteousness. And your feet shod with the knowledge of the gospel of peace - Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. ~ Ephesians 6:11, 14-16


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