Friday, May 27, 2005

The Misadventures of Frank and Tina

Or: A Night Out in Northfield.

Right. So I haven't been THE BEST BLOGGER! EVER! lately. I know. No excuses or anything. I just expect to be forgiven.

And with that, I'll move on! You love the randomness. I know you do.

Okay. Yesterday was our Senior Banquet. Our brilliant, magnificent, monumental, lavish, luxe, unforgettable Senior Banquet. Complete with dry chicken, raw green beans, streakers, unintelligible, slurred speeches, many varied and incoherent toasts, and plenty of drunk people trying to steal the wine from our table. An awesomely memorable evening on the whole.

(If you didn't pick up on the sarcasm above, I gotta ask why do you read this page? It's so not for you. LOL.)

Well, what could possibly top such a supper as that? Hardly anything. Almost nothing except, re-performing that classic International Festival Dance with Edaeni. And then going to a Visions of California information session, and finding out that next year's porgram will spend extra time in the following places: San Francisco, Catalina *and* Lake Tahoe. *AND,* I say, *AND,* they get to chill in Santa Cruz for the Steinbeck portion of the trip, instead of the unbearably lame Pajaro Dunes. Those lucky ducks. I hope they appreciate all the new improvements to the trip, man. Goodness knows I told them all about how good they're gonna have it.

And then, some hours later, after venting about prejudice and the campus community, the coolest kids on campus decided to go downtown for "HIP HOP NITE" at a local bar. On the way we met "Frank," who hung out of his third story window, just to say "hi" to us fine looking ladies. Did he have time to put his shirt on before speaking? Nope. Was he drinking? Probably. Nice enough guy, anyway. We then progressed to the scene of all the action -- "HIP HOP NITE." Did it live up to my expectations? Oh, yeah. Which is to say that "HHN" was as lame as lame can get -- wack music, too much smoke, and no one there. Right. Lame. So we went for food (walked thru the drive thru, yes I did, but I got my taco! and it was good!), and then we decided to hit up karaoke night at a different spot down the road. This was significantly much less lame than "HHN," as you can't help but have fun watching drunk fools dancing to somebody's terribly awful rendition of "You're As Cold As Ice." After an hour of waiting through many unnecessary screeches and many unnecessarily flat notes, and one unfortunate incident of some idiot actually *screaming into the microphone* (why?!!?) we CKOC (coolest kids on campus, if you remember. I sure do love abbreviations!) chose to wow the crowd with some Motown soul, singing "My Girl" and "Ain't No Mountain High Enough." And yes, just in case you were wondering, we were the best act of the night. LOL. After rounds and rounds of applause, much, much cheering, and a decidedly approving thumbs up from the rather nice old Karaoke Master, we left bar #2 in quest of the rest of our class, and didn't find them. Who cares though. Not me. And then, just for the sake of making a complete circuit, we went back to "HHN" and found it sooooo much lamer than before. Thus, undancified and weary, we made our way home. What a wild night, eh? You know it. Party people, we are.

Oh, and just so you know, from now on, my name is Tina. Or Belle. Whichever you prefer to call me. (Or Mulan! That's right, Edaeni. I'm taking it back!! LOL.)


A Verse For You Today:

Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. Is any one of you sick? Then he should go to the church to be prayed over. Confess your faults one to another and pray one for another, so that you may be healed. The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. ~ James 5: 13, 14, 16


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