I Will Have Children.
Someday. Not today.
I promise.
So, anyway. I admit that I've always figured whenever I grew up I'd be a spinster.
(Your appropriate response: *gasp!* are you kidding?)
No, I'm serious. Especially lately, I haven't felt like marriage was in my future. Of course I don't know if I'm right, but really, when am I ever wrong? Right. So, I've never been too terribly interested in dating or marriage, etc, etc. Just hasn't been a part of my struggle. Dont ask me why. I don't know why. But, for the past week or so, a new desire for precious babies has sort of taken over my former apathy towards my future. Strange, no? Strange, yes. But even stranger is what I think has brought all this on. Wanna know? You do, don't you. :) I'll tell you.
Wait for it.
I said wait for it. Patience is a virtue, man.
Watching The Incredibles has made me want to have children. Yup. And no, it's not because of Violet or Dash, or Jack Jack and me thinking that maybe my kids would have some super powers -- that would be a crazy thought because I'm not a Super. So I don't have any Super blood to pass on anyway.
Sidenote: Yes, I know I'm way too into this movie but it's a little late for criticisms. Where were you when I watched it the first time and wanted to sit through the second show? When I downloaded it? Hmm? Where was all that helpful insight then?
Well, all right then. It's too late for change now.
Anyway. It's not because of the Incredible kids. It's because of the other kid in the movie. You've seen it. You know of whom I speak. The other kid. On the trike. With the beanie. He first appears with a huge bubble gum bubble frozen in front of his face because he's so amazed at how amazing Mr. Incredible is. He last appears in a hyperactively excited frenzy because he witnesses the amazingness of the whole entire Incredible family. Yes. That kid. He.is.the cutest kid.ever.on screen.ever. Period. My favorite appearance of his is his second scene. This scene is also, I believe, responsible for the recent kicking in of my maternal instincts. If you are not familiar with the movie you are weird. No, really. But, for your sake I will recount the scene:
Mr. Incredible has had his worst day since the day he was sued by all these ungrateful folks whose lives he saved and was told to stop being a Super and live a normal life. He's been fired from his job, and he can't tell his wife, because they've just gotten settled in and no one wants to move again. So, he comes home dejected and weary. And he sees The Cutest Kid Ever waiting for him by his driveway, on his trike. With his beanie. Mr. Incredible is of course exasperated and angry (he has had a bad day, if you remember), so he's all extra mean with TCKE, and he says, "What're you waiting for!" TCKE looks at Mr. Incredible and says, "I don't know! Something amazing," and then he shrugs his shoulders and in this small little kinda-scared-but-still-gonna-say-anyway voice, he goes "I guess."
My gorsh. It's all just so precious that it makes me want to have a kid of my own. LOL. It's not rational. I know it. But that's what's up. So now I feel like I need to start paying attention to what's going on in my life re: marriage. Marriage is all of a sudden necessary for me, because I need to be married if I'm ever gonna have a TCKE to call my own. Seems like a drag right now, but who knows. I might get used to the idea in time.
Since I've been gone for so long (sorry!) there's even more to talk about! The International Festival was Saturday, and it was a bunch of fun and good eating. I did a dance, and I sang a song. Both were cool. So bittersweet though, because this is my last International Festival as a Carleton student. Man, I'm tired of thinking about everything like this, "This is the last time I'll get to do such-n-such. . ." but I can't help it. It is the last time. It's true. Things are winding up. But it doesn't follow that I need to be sad about it. I'll be happy. Yup. Because I've participated in 4, count 'em, 4 IFests here. And they were all something amazing. (I guess.)
My favorite picture from IFest 2005:

A Verse For You Today:
But God, who is rich in mercy, by his great love, even when we were dead in sin has quickened us together with Christ. . .for by grace are ye saved, through faith, and not that of yourselves. It is the gift of God. ~ Eph. 2: 4,5,8
(Man, it was so cool that one of my favorite verses was the background for ODB today. I felt special! Don't know why. LOL.)
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