Monday, April 18, 2005

You Should Not Assume. . .

. . .that I'll ever have interesting and meaningful things to say. Really. Because most of the time I don't. So why do I have a blog? Because I can if I want to! Shucks.

Anyway, yeah. So I'm not a blog-a-day kind of girl. But since certain people are update-crazy (ahem. . .check the tagboard. . .) I gotta put something down. Today it's a meme! A meme is a random bunch of questions that bloggers can answer when they can't be bothered to think of anything original to write about. Yup. That about sums it up for me. So awaaaaaaaaaaaay we go!

Were you named after anyone? Nope.

When did you last cry? A few hours ago when I had on my Nichole Nordeman playlist; "I Am" and "Every Season" always touch my heart and get me bawling for joy about how good God is and how He's always there and I'm getting misty just thinking about it so let me stop now. . .

Do you like your handwriting? Yes. It's beautiful. I do get a lot of compliments about my handwriting actually. And back in the 2nd grade in Mrs. Logan's class, I think that was the only subject I used to get A's in. Now that's some nonsense for you. How in the world did I make it into the 5th best liberal arts school in the country if I couldn't even get an A in 2nd grade English? I leave it to you to decide. LOL.

What is your favorite lunch meat? Roast beef. Or turkey I guess, if it's some good turkey and not the Oscar Meyer kind that's shredded and molded and flattened beyond recognition and then pressed into some kind of turkey-ish loaf. I can't stand that mess. If it's some Louis Rich or Sara Lee turkey from the real bird, then that's a different story altogether.

If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Man, no. I'm lame.

Do you have a journal? No. I do not. I have a blank book that I sometimes write my thoughts down in. But it's not a journal. It's a blank book. There's a difference. What the difference is I don't know, but I'm not gonna call it a journal, because that's what everybody calls it and I just am not like everybody else. I'm not! I will not be ordinary!! You can't make me!!!

**Interrupted by the Overreaction Police, who, after some resistance, handcuff me and lead me off to CALM SPRINGS**

1 hour later. . .

Okay. I'm back. I'm calm. But can we just call it a blank book please? Okay. Cool. Thanks.

Do you use sarcasm a lot? Nope. Never. Ever.

Red or pink? What kind of question is that? Magenta, man.

Last thing you ate? A Pringle. Sour cream and onion flavor. Mmmm.

Last person you talked to on the phone? My brother. Yay!!

Last movie you watched? The Incredibles. It was incredible. (Breaking it down, into the Latin, "credo" is believe, and the prefix "in-" as in the opposite of, meaning incredible = unbelievable. As in The Incredibles was unbelievably good. Yeah. I broke it down into the Latin for absolutely no reason. That's right. But what are you doing reading things in parentheses anyway if you weren't looking for unnecessary information? That's what parentheses are for! Don't get mad at me for getting off-topic. I gave you the proper heads-up.)

If you could be on vacation anywhere right now, where would you go? I don't know. I guess right here, since I'm in my bed and I'm sleepy. Sounds perfect to me.

So on that note, I'm about to set off on my extra-luxurious vacation. I hope it's pleasant. At least I know I can afford it.


A Song For You Today:

Nichole Nordeman, "Every Season," from This Mystery (2000)

And everything that's new has bravely surfaced,
teaching us to breathe.
And what was frozen through is newly purposed,
turning all things green.
So it is with You, and how You make me new,
with every season's change.
And so it will be, as You are recreating me,
summer, autumn, winter, spring.


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