you should all be so proud of me.
Why? Well, just because, right? You don't need a reason.
No, you don't.
Oh, but I do have a reason.
I have gone through two whole weeks of classes, and have only been late twice! Isn't that wonderful!
I feel like I could keep this up all term long. I'm optimistic like that.
(But, um . . . don't be surprised in November if I come in here complaining that I lost half a letter grade for being tardy too many times to some class or another. I mean I am optimistic, but I can't completely change overnight. Baby steps, people.)
Oh, and also! Guess where I am typing this entry right here.
No, not on the slow library computer with the sadistically buzzing timer, but from my very own (crappy) computer on my lovely desk in my own lovely apartment.
Yes, that's right. I am no longer broke (though still poor) and I can actually afford internet service! Yay! This is another reason to be proud of me; I managed my money so well (meaning I scraped up every last penny I could find in my old purses and jeans pockets and ate little more than ramen and cereal for two weeks, lol, but that's neither here nor there) that I got connected weeks before I thought I'd be able to. And, I say AND! I installed it myself. I am now a whiz at electronic installation. (Well, whiz is putting a bit strongly I guess. Considering I spent a good 45 minutes going "Wait, what? Where does this cable go? What goes into the wall? What's this box for? Why are all these lights blinking? Huh? Who's talking?" LOL. At the time, I felt more like a fuddled old lady looking for her spectacles than a modern day do-it-yourself kinda girl. But I suspect this description may be sinking me in your estimation so that's enough of that there.)
I'm still ecstatic over the newness of it all. I hope all you wonderful people have something to be ecstatic about as well, or at least reasonably well pleased. If not, let me know, I can probably think of something for you.
(By the by, I just noticed that this entry is just about 80% parenthetical info. Wow. Should I have bothered with the parentheses at all? Oh! I'm still using them. lol. I think I'm addicted. I need an intervention. Somebody set it up.)
((((((((! I need help. I have a problem.))))))))
A Verse For You Today:
"Behold, I am coming and will dwell in your midst," declares the Lord.
Be silent, all flesh, before the Lord, for He is drawn forth from His holy habitation.
~ Zechariah 2: 10, 13