Monday, September 12, 2005

a big, big, big old sigh.

That's me right now. I'm not carbon chains or amino acids or hair or skin or protein or anything. I'm just one great big sigh.

I can't explain it very well. I don't kow what's going on.

Well, no. That's a lie. I do know what's going on.

I'm experiencing dissatisfaction with myself, with no real way to get out of it. I just have to wait for it to pass.

Are you asking why I'm so dissatisfied? You're a good friend. (And, if you were saying to yourself that I have absolutely no reason to be so dissatisfied, then you're a wonderfully great friend.)

It's a strange thing that's never happened to me before, but these little pins of guilt have been pricking me these past couple of weeks since Katrina hit.

I know what you're thinking, and you're right. I didn't cause the hurricane. That's not where this crazy guilt is coming from. It's coming from my day-to-day activities in the wake of the storm. I get up and go to class and have to listen to people intellectualizing and theorizing about what's wrong with the world, and the country, when what's wrong with the world and the country is staring us all in the face, and what can I do about it?

All I have is prayer to give, and I know it's a mighty strong force. But it's a spiritual, a mental force, and for all the good I know it does in my soul and my mind, my young, strong body is constantly accusing me of being inactive.

I don't know how long this will last.

Don't be worried for me though, anyway. I'm not depressed or really downhearted or anything. Take my word for it, because I don't know any other way to prove it in writing. lol.


A Verse For You Today:

The Lord sees not as man sees, for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks into the heart. ~ I Samuel 16:7b


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