rashi busted me. . .
It has been 38 days since my last post.
The whole month of April. Really!
What in the world have I been doing? Man. I don't even know. But off the top of my head, in no particular order or preference:
-- applying for summer work
-- visiting Chicago (yay!!)
-- cooking
-- trying to ready a couple of papers for possible conference applications
-- procrastinating
-- paying bills
-- reading approximately 16 books on globalization, diaspora studies, identity politics, multiculturalism, cosmopolitanism, and the various failures and evils of neoliberalism
-- cleaning
-- buying a new pair of glasses
-- pondering the meaning of life and the existence of Japanese beetles
-- trying to find a suitable jacket for the crazy up and down weather fluctuations that constitute a spring here
-- trying to find a suitably-priced pair of straight-leg, dark wash jeans that don't stop at my ankles
-- neglecting my friends and family (so sorry. :( please forgive me?)
-- writing approximately 80 pages of scholarly academic writing
-- planning my trip home for my brother's graduation (woo hoo!)
-- watching American Idol (shut up! Elliott rocks.)
-- finally enjoying the spring weather
An interesting month, no?
No, not really. But at least now you know!
My finals are dunzo on Friday, but I'm out of town this weekend. So perhaps I'll have more to say come Monday.
Anything's possible, eh?