We're talking about a whirlwind here, people.
There's so much that I have to tell you. Literally loads of experiences, insight, knowledge, and wisdom to get off my chest.
But it's got to wait, you see, because at this very moment in time, your dear friend is a pauper.
She's poor. She ain't got no money.
(And you know, if you're on the logic train, you should be stopping now at the "Oh, she can't afford the internet yet" junction. Welcome!)
Yes, right now I'm sitting in the Minneapolis Public Library and typing faster than I ever have before (approximately 20 words per minute) for several reasons:
-- I'm sitting here almost illegally, seeing as how I don't officially have a libe card yet, and it's only because the nice man at the front desk is actually a really nice man, and he let me slide in under the rug, so to speak.
-- I haven't even seen anything resembling a webpage for over a week.
-- I have much business to handle and the evil ticker at the top of the screen keeps buzzing and reminding me that time is ticking away faster than I am typing.
So, I gotta go. I'll be back soon (and yes, that does still mean less than 34 days. Also, can you believe the Mpls Public Libe limits its patrons to one hour of internet usage a day?!! Shocking. But I offer that as proof to you that I will be returning. I'll have to.).
Until then. I know you're all busy beginning new lives too. Why not leave me a note about what's going on with you? (note: noun. a piece of correspondence passed between friends and marked by pretty colors, funny words, interesting and exciting stories, whether made up or true. usually written with comprehensive, almost exhaustive detail.)
One Of My Favorite Verses For You Today:
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!! ~ Psalm 38:4a